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“In order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen—really seen.” - Brené Brown

There are times in our lives that we just cannot seem to get a handle on how to cope with the challenges in our life. Occasionally dictated by genetics, but usually due to life circumstances, and all its challenges, one can get overwhelmed and lose sight of their strengths and resources. During these times, it can be helpful to work with a trained psychotherapist to support you through these challenges.  

It is precisely this empathy, compassion, and care that allows Diviya to share an authentic connection, as well as holding the space that you need to heal. Sometimes it takes is a ripple of insight to create lasting change.  If you are ready to cast that pebble to create that ripple, connect with me.

Therapeutic Modalities Incorporated

Diviya has completed a Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology, is a Registered Psychotherapist with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO), and is a member in good standing with the Ontario Society of Registered Psychotherapists. She is a Certified IFS Therapist, drawing from different modalities, as outlined below, to tailor an approach to each client. 

Internal Family Systems Therapy

IFS is based on the premise that we are made up of many different parts (i.e. based on the theory of multiplicity); ones that hold pain, ones that protect us from that pain, and beneath it all, we ALL have a Self. The Self is comprised of calm, curiosity, compassion, gratitude, courage, allow us to access inner clarity, creativity, confidence, and ultimately has a desire for connection, harmony and the power to heal. IFS is a comprehensive, non-pathologizing model, and one that empowers clients towards Self-led living, and healing. 

Trauma-Informed Somatic Mindfulness

Mindfulness is essentially adopting a non-judgmental, present moment awareness of your experience. When we experience trauma, scary, overwhelming, and difficult memories from our past become real again in the present moment, which make it that much scarier and an unsafe place to be. Trauma-informed somatic mindfulness invites a gradual awareness of your bodily felt-sense of your triggers, and a progressive retraining of your nervous system to establish safety in the present moment, and release the pain from the past, as it manifests in your body.

Behavioural Therapies

There are varying types of behavioural therapies, yet they all promote a change in behaviour, whether that is through different bevioural interventions, exposure and response prevention, valued-based living, and goal-setting. We would implement the strategies that would best support you living your best life, and thriving, not just surviving. 

How I Would Work With You

Diviya promotes behavioural transformation by encouraging a changed outlook and the adoption of new attitudes and feelings. She works with clients to understand the patterns of their thoughts, behaviours, emotions, and how these can shape their experience in life, while training them to create distance with their experience, so they can develop tools to be their own therapist. Sometimes, this involves unlearning lessons. Other times, the goal will be to accept and embrace your journey, while moving toward a values-based lifestyle. She will provide a safe space for you and use evidence-based therapeutic interventions that will address your needs.

Watch a short video of me as I share some of my perspective on culture:

NIHB Program

You need a 10-digit status number to obtain the free counselling under the NIHB program. 


If you don't have it, contact
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada. 




Phone (toll-free): 1-800-567-9604.



I require 48 hours notice of changes or cancellations to appointments, without which the fee for the session will automatically be invoiced to you.

Here’s why: I am very deliberate about the number of sessions I offer in any given day or week, to ensure that I am able to be fully present for each client. When I book a session with you, that time is reserved for you and not available to anyone else. The cancellation fee honours our agreement, and accounts for the expenses involved in keeping the office space open and preparing for each session.


Many extended health benefits plans offer coverage for psychotherapy. Inquire if services provided by a 'Registered Psychotherapist' are covered by your plan.

Note that some employers and insurance providers might only offer Registered Psychologists and/or Registered Social Workers coverage. If your plan does not currently include coverage for Registered Psychotherapists, you can advocate to have it included. The Registered Psychotherapists Insurance Committee (RPIC) has resources, including a form letter you can use to submit to your employer or your union.

Tax Credit

The Canada Revenue Agency recognizes the cost of services provided by Registered Psychotherapists as a medical expense eligible for tax credit. 


Check with your accountant or with the CRA to verify that this is a deductible expense on your taxes.



Lifelong learning is important to me. Below are the various trainings I have done, that inform my practice:

  • Ongoing IFS, Somatic and Indigenous healing personal therapy and consultation

  • IFS + BIPOC Consultation Group - Tamala Floyd

  • Supervision from a Trauma-Informed Mindfulness and Somatic therapist, Oona Fraser

  • Internal Family Systems Level 1 BIPOC-focused Training (now a Program Assistant for a Level 1 & 2 IFS Training, also BIPOC centered)

  • Intimacy from the Inside Out (IFIO) 2-day Fundamental Skills Training

  • IFIO (Level 2 IFS Training) 

  • Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate - The Embody Lab

  • Deep Brain Reprocessing Training for Trauma

  • Somatic Abolitionist 1-year Immersive Decolonization Training 

  • Healing Trauma - Peter Levine - Certificate - The Embody Lab

  • Legacy Burdens, Collective Legacy Burdens, IFS & Spirituality Workshops

  • Internal Family Systems therapy Core Competencies Course - Derek Scott 

  • Anti-Oppression Anti-Racism Unconscious Bias Workshop

  • How To Talk About Sex in Therapy Workshop

  • Focusing- Oriented Therapy 2-day Immersive Workshop

  • Emotion-Focused therapy at York University (Level 1)

  • Mindfulness Symposium (2-yrs)

  • Identifying and Repairing Therapeutic Alliance Training (2-day)

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Short- Term Counselling

  • DBT Skills Workshop 

  • Cognitive-Behavioural therapy through the Centre for Mindfulness Studies

  • Positive Psychology - 1-year placement with Dr. Brecher at Ryerson University supporting Thriving in Action course

Also Published in Psychologica Magazine: 

Considerations in the Development of an Integrated Psychotherapy 

In The Media

Huffington Post - How To Survive Spending The Holidays With Difficult Relatives

UpJourney - How to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts?

Huffington Post - Immigrant Moms And Second-Gen Daughters Get Candid In Unscripted 'Play'

ThriveWorks - How can focusing on building personal strengths versus ruminating over my weaknesses benefit me?

International Womens day blog feature Ve
YWiB blog feature Healthy minds healthy

My name, Diviya, is derived from diya, which is a lamp typically used in India and Nepal. They are lit during special occasions, such as the Hindu Festival of Lights - Diwali - and the symbolic meaning encompasses being a light in the darkness, or to illuminate.


to brighten with light;

to make understandable; clarify;

to enlighten intellectually or spiritually; 

© 2024 Diviya Lewis

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